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Free cpe webinars
Turbocharge Your Profitability With Remote Office Technology


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateJune 10, 2020
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Turn remote office technology into profits by implementing staff and client collaboration in the cloud.  Transform your client experience by making them an essential part of your operations.  Streamline your firm’s operations by helping clients help you.  Use cloud communications strategies to attract younger, more affluent clients, who infuse vitality and value into your firm.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn why remote office technology is about more than surviving the next pandemic

  • Discover hardware and software pieces that make you more efficient even when working from your office

  • Learn about collaboration strategies for working more efficiently with your staff

  • See how you can transform your clients’ experience and attract younger clients

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Frank Stitely is a CPA and managing partner at Stitely & Karstetter, CPAs. He is also CEO of Clarity Practice Management, a publisher of cloud-based practice management software. Frank has owned his practice for over 29 years and developed Clarity Practice Management over the previous ten years to serve the needs of both his practice and his clients. His recently published book, The Relentless CPA, can be found at CPATrendlines.com.

About Our Presenter

Clarity Practice Management was born from an IRL (in real life) accountant-client relationship kindled some ten years ago. While, in the beginning, Peter Daniel, client, didn’t mind driving over to see Frank Stitely, CPA/CVA, eight times a year, eventually he preferred catching up with his accountant only by phone. Then it was email. Then he wanted to know if Frank could send him fewer emails. And then Peter, a successful tech developer, wanted to know why they couldn’t just meet in the cloud, in one designated space. Then he wanted to stop all in-person meetings, all phone calls, and all emails. He said, “Frank, I can make this work better for you and me. And if I can do it for us, I can do it for all of your clients. And if we can do that, let’s make it available for other tax firms, and bring some much-needed change and modernization to the industry.”